
Hi I'm Sakura.

I'm talking about design now as my homework.

I chose 2 subject.

Japanese traditional wedding Kimono

This is Japanese Kimono;-)
It's so beautiful.

Japanese woman also wear Kimono at coming-of-age celebration.
I great the celebration next year.

I  chose this Kimono for the celebration.

This is my favorite Kimono.
Because the design are all SAKURA ;)

I'm looking for coming the celebration.

elegant wedding dress

This is also wedding dress.
It's so elegant isn't it?

I want to wear this dress lol



How are you today?

I'm さくら(Sakura)
さくら means flower, cherry blossom❀
Please remember:D

I'll talk about my life in London.

-Arrived at London-

I arrived at London on 8 April.
I came to London by airplane from Japan.
So I arrived at Heathrow airport.
Then, I got on the subway from airport to Arsenal.
My share house is near from Arsenal station.

Narita airport in Japan

Arsenal station

-About school-

I came to London to study English.
So, I go to school from April to August.
I had a first class at 11 April.
I was so scared.
But everyone were kind to me.
I made many friends.
So I was happy:)

I usually go to lunch after class with my friends.
I'll introduce restrants I went.

◆Coronet near from university.

◆japanese restrant Misato

◆korean restrant Kimch

youngsin cooks korean food

◆pizza party in LC lol

I had great lunch time with my friend:-D

We also went to m&m, arsenal stadium and club.



Arsenal Stadium


I want to go more several place in London!!

-For the future-

I want to be able to talk with several people in English.
So, I'll study hard in university.
I'll do my best.

Thank you for reading.
